Daisypath Vacation tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A break. Hooray.

Well, I realize it's been a while since I wrote, and I'm sorry about that. Things have been C-R-A-Z-Y!! P-cubed has been going fine. Lots of poop and vomit and urine and other yummy stuff that I'm now intimately acquainted with how to clean. No, that is NOT a complaint. Just information. Ahem. I guess the biggest thing for me is that last Thursday I gave medication for the very first time. It was only by mouth (PO if you're a nursing student. It means 'per os'). But, it was really fun to study the MAR (Medication Administration Report, I think) and make sure I was giving the right dose at the right time via the right route to the right patient for the right reason. Be thankful your nurses do this!! It was nice. I also got to see a REALLY cool procedure. Did you know you can see the back of the heart through the esophagus? You can. And it's beautiful.

In other news, Nurse Rockstar gave us a test yesterday. It was on the heart, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. Yipee! I think I did just fine. I am having a sever drought of motivation right now. Maybe it's because we only have FOUR weeks of school left, or maybe it's just because I'm tired, or maybe (and this is probably it, in all honesty) it's because it's SO pretty outside! I just wanna go out and play with my sweet kiddos/cheerleaders!! At any rate, we'll probably get our tests back tomorrow, and, while I do want to get a good grade, I feel like I did what I could. We'll, um, see how it goes.

Coming up, we have something called clinical seminar for P-cubed. I'm not sure what that is. In Patho, we have hormones up next. Now THAT will be fun. Hormones are REALLY cool because they make you think, um, like a nurse. 'If this substance is released, what can I expect to see in my body?' Conversely, 'If I have these symptoms, what substance (hormone) is likely being released?' It's like trying to solve a puzzle. Sweet!

I'll keep you posted.