Daisypath Vacation tickers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Things have been really good lately. Last week, I finished up the P-cubed clinical. It turned out to be a very positive experience. What I learned: I really don't mind giving bed baths and changing bed pans. However, I do long for the day when the ratio of a.m. care to non-a.m. care is tipped in the favor of the "non". I want to be a nurse who is willing to get her hands dirty...but I really enjoy the 'thinking' part of nursing more. When we gave meds, for instance, I loved the process of all the checks we have to do. There's this thing called the Six Rights: Drug, patient, dose, route, time, and circumstance. For every medication you give, you MUST ensure that all Six Rights are met. Or it's a no-go. That was fun for me, as was checking all my dosages. Even more than that, I love looking at lab values and trying to figure out why the numbers are off. Or, if one number is off, what other numbers are likely to be off with it. It's like figuring out a puzzle. Sweet! In other news, Nurse Rockstar has left us. She's NOT dead...just post-op. Ergo, we now have another teacher, whom I really love. Nurse Rockstar's shoes would be difficult (and intimidating) for anyone to fill, but our new teacher fills them well. I'm very happy about this. Very. We have our last non-final-exam patho test tomorrow, but I have a fever, so I think I'll probably ending up taking the make-up exam next Friday. Thursday, we have the biggest day of the semester. Drum roll please...SIMULATION. And I will tell you about it in the next post. I know you'll be on the edge of your seat. Try to stay calm. That rapid heart rate isn't good for your vascular system.