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Friday, February 19, 2010

Rockstar In Training

So, we finally got back our pathophysiology tests (Nurse Rockstar's class) on Monday, and I was very pleasantly surprised. Sometimes, it's nice to have a victory. Banzai!!!!! Then, today we had a special section with Nurse Rockstar since we've missed so much class due to snow. We were learning about acidosis and alkalosis. Basically, when you hold your breath, your body collects carbon dioxide, and that equals, drum roll please, acidosis. However, when you hyperventilate, you take in loads of oxygen and dump out loads of carbon dioxide. That is alkalosis. It all has to do with hydrogens and pH and Razorback Barbie...I dunno. All I know is, today in class I felt, well, able. I knew the answers to the questions she was asking us. Today, for the first time, I felt like I was thinking like a nurse. It was an extraordinary feeling. I always thought I would first have that feeling in the clinical setting because that's when you're actually caring for patients. But I was wrong. I felt it in a little classroom on a Friday afternoon nowhere near a patient. And I liked it. To my astonishment, I'm finding that I like the geeky, nerdy, sciency part of nursing as much or more than the hands-on stuff. That could be because I haven't gotten to do much hands-on stuff (which changes next week!), or that I'm a little intimidated by the prospect of accidentally killing someome, but no matter the reason I'm saying right here, right now,that I enjoy science. Officially. And I'm a Rockstar in Training. (Which is, of course, the end result of training with Nurse Rockstar.)